Below are the details of all the WordPress do_action()
action hooks used by the plugin to create the default template pages. If you are creating your own custom template pages then you can use these to output Product and Venue data stored in the plugin in your templates.
Container Class
Sets the CSS classes for all pages used by the plugin. This should be be added to the outermost
on any custom template.
<?php do_action('ltd_tickets_container_class'); ?>
Outputs breadcrumb links on template pages.
<?php do_action('ltd_tickets_breadcrumbs'); ?>
Featured Image
Outputs the featured image for a product or a venue, depending on the scope.
<?php do_action('ltd_tickets_featured_image'); ?>
Product Booking Link
Creates the booking link for a product. This should be added as the href attributes for any booking buttons used in custom templates.
<?php do_action('ltd_tickets_booking_link'); ?>
Product Image Gallery
Creates an image gallery based on comma-separated image URLs in a product's Gallery field.
<?php do_action('ltd_tickets_product_gallery'); ?>
Product Excerpt
Creates a product excerpt of a configurable length. The default length is 200 characters.
<?php do_action('ltd_tickets_product_excerpt', int $length = 200); ?>
Product Offer Tag
Outputs an 'Offer' tag and the Short Offer Description for a product, if applicable.
<?php do_action('ltd_tickets_product_offer_tag'); ?>
Product Minimum Price
Outputs the Minimum Price for a product. If there is no Minimum Price, it outputs a message 'Click "Book Tickets" for prices'.
<?php do_action('ltd_tickets_product_from_price'); ?>
Product Minimum Price (Grid)
Used in product grids, this action outputs a product's Minimum Price. If there is no Minimum Price, it outputs a message 'Click for prices'.
<?php do_action('ltd_tickets_product_grid_from_price'); ?>
Product Special Offer and Event Information
Outputs the Short Offer Description for a product, followed by the_content().
<?php do_action('ltd_tickets_product_full_info'); ?>
Product Long Offer Description
Outputs the full text of a product's special offer, including any restrictions.
<?php do_action('ltd_tickets_product_special_offer_long'); ?>
Product Meta Information
This action outputs all running time and venue information for a product. The information is into two product info sections inheriting the .widget class.
<?php do_action('ltd_tickets_product_meta'); ?>
Product Important Information
Outputs any Important Information for a product. The information is output in a titled section inheriting the .widget class.
<?php do_action('ltd_tickets_product_important_notice'); ?>
Product Tagline
Outputs the value from a product's Tagline field.
<?php do_action('ltd_tickets_product_tagline'); ?>
Product Minimum Page
Outputs the Minimum Age for a product. The information is output in a titled section inheriting the .widget class.
<?php do_action('ltd_tickets_product_minimum_age'); ?>
Product Venue Link
Creates a text link to a product venue. This will only work inside the scope of a single product or product loop.
<?php do_action('ltd_tickets_product_venue_link'); ?>
Venue Short Address
Outputs the first line of a venue's address, or whatever is set in the venue's Address field.
<?php do_action('ltd_tickets_venue_address'); ?>
Venue Full Address
Outputs a venue's full address, city and postcode, as well as the closest tube and railway stations, if applicable.
<?php do_action('ltd_tickets_venue_address_full'); ?>
Venue Seating Plan
Creates a link to a venue's seating plan, if applicable. Unless the plugin's Javascript files are excluded, clicking the link will display the seating plan in a Magnific lightbox.
<?php do_action('ltd_tickets_venue_seating_plan'); ?>